Peruvian composer, graduated from the National Conservatory of Music. Winner of the Kalevi-Laura Fiestas award from Finland and awarded at TAKI 2022. Member of the first Laptop ensemble in Peru. Recognized as a young promise in national music creation by the Musuq Cultural Association, he pursued higher studies at UNM under the guidance of Benjamín Bonilla, José Sosaya, and Dante Valdez. Even as a student, he showcased his works inside and outside his academic institution, featuring premieres with the National Choir of Peru, musicians from the Curtis Institute of Music, National Symphony Orchestra, among other international events. His music has been premiered in Latin America, Europe, and North America. He was admitted to significant programs such as the composition program at the Curtis Institute of Music, the Sewanee Summer Music Festival in Tennessee, Festival Experimenta, and a residency at the ECI Festival in Hidden Valley, California, with scholarships. He has received lessons from renowned composers like Wang Jie, Nick DiBerardino, Fran Suarez, Christophe Havel, Benjamin Davies, Juan Arroyo, Jorge Variego, and more. He has two record publications and a research project published in ANTEC. He is a co-founder and administrator of Sinapsis and has been in charge of its five editions, as well as the Peruvian Choral Music Festival 2021 and the Encounter Among Peruvian Composers 2022. Currently residing in Europe, pursuing a master's in composition at the prestigious Conservatori Liceu in Barcelona, Spain.