Alex Hren, born in 2002 in Celje, Slovenia, began his musical journey at the age of twelve, studying piano at the Music School Slovenske Konjice. His talent quickly propelled him to the Conservatory for Music and Ballet Maribor, where he continued his education, enrolling in the Music High School program with a focus on piano under Prof. Planinka Jurišić Atić and music theory with Prof. Robert Kamplet.

In 2021, Alex commenced his studies in composition at the University of Ljubljana's Academy of Music, studying initially with Prof. Uroš Rojko and later with Prof. Vito Žuraj, completing his bachelor's degree in 2024. He is currently pursuing a master's degree in instrumental composition at the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln under the guidance of Prof. Miroslav Srnka.

His compositions have been performed at various prestigious events and venues, including interdisciplinary collaborations with Studio za sodobno glasbo, recordings with Ensemble Modern, and premieres by prominent ensembles such as ASMANGU Zagreb, the Slovenian Philharmonic String Chamber Orchestra, and Ensemble Recherche, as well as by acclaimed French harpist Marion Ravot. His works have been featured at events like the 2nd Days of Contemporary Music at UL AG and the Sozvočje svetov XXIII series.