Born in 1990, Sebastian Hensel grew up in a musical family that would lead him rightaway to playing and composing music himself. Master degrees in music theory, music and french education as well as viola would set up his way to beeing a professional viola player in the radio symphony orchestra of Leipzig (Sinfonieorchester des Mitteldeutschen Rundfunks Leipzig).

After first publications in musicology focussing on the art of instrumentation of Lili Boulanger (“Concerning the orchestration style of Lili Boulanger at the example of D’un soir triste and D’un matin de printemps”) and the Prix de Rome en musique (“The cantata compositions in the Prix de Rome competition. A model between reproduction and transformation”) he is now preparing his PhD thesis on the teaching of instrumentation and orchestration at the Paris Conservatory during 1900 and 1977.