Born in 1969 in Niigata, in north-west Japans and grown up there, Manami N. developed her musical interest already in early days when she played trumpet and later trombone in school bands. After her university studies in pedagogic, Manami N. moved to Tokyo at that time still working for a construction company.
She was introduced to Kumiko Hara(1954-2005), with whom she took voice training and music theory classes. While working as a computer instructor Manami N. performed with jazz-oriented pop bands. At that time, she also started to study and experiment with musical software on her computer and wrote her first songs. Some of her early works with Kenji Yamazaki can be seen on Game industries such as Play stations.
In 2006 she moved to Berlin. Here her approach to music became more conceptual. As she originally comes from a family of Zen-Buddhist monks her philosophy is strongly based on her personal experiences.
Since the nuclear accident in Fukushima in 2011, her artistic focus turned not only to pure art, but also to political themes and ideas of social relevance. Her long-standing collaboration with the Heinrich Böll Foundation and her participation in various media art and radio play festivals show her commitment to the broad field of experimental music. Currently she is starting collaborations with classical musicians in her own notation and working on a research project, exploring further areas of music.