Musikene is the Higher School of Music of the Basque Country, set up by the Basque Government in the 2001-2002 academic year in order to offer a Higher Music Education. The school offers excellent instruction designed to guarantee fully qualified professionals capable of performing, composing, conducting and teaching. Bearing in mind the reality of the world of music in the 21st century, the main objective of the school is to provide students with the necessary training to guarantee a future career in music.

One of the keys aspects of the educational philosophy at Musikene is the attention to the development of each student’s talent. With this philosophy, students at Musikene become experts in their field. Teaching is very much geared towards ensuring students attain the level that will be expected of them once they start working. To this end, Musikene has an excellent and renowned teaching staff who also have international experience as soloists or performers with the best European orchestras. The school boasts a selection of highly specialized and widely experienced teachers.

The curriculum successfully combines specialist subjects with theoretical-humanistic subjects. The latter are considered an essential and integral part of any higher education. Therefore these subjects are not conceived of as merely complementing the “core” subjects but inextricably linked to the concrete objectives of each speciality.

Together, this means that teaching at Musikene does not only train students in technical excellence but it also provides them with a solid grounding in theory and humanism. This is how students become all-round professionals capable of performing music to an excellent standard while at the same time being able to reflect upon it.